Ultra Dolphins 'Alien Baby' CD

$ 6.66

"Welcome to the world the birth of our new alien baby. After months, years, of intensive labor, sweat, howls, hoots, yawps, the birth shudder which overtook us so long ago has come to full fruition in a breathing bag of bones and blood we call our own. This thing that lives among us, this black-eyed and wondrous supra-intelligent thing-a-majig, is clearly more lifeblood than record, more kin than commodity. I won't get into the science of it-- you don't care to have me explain the way a magnetic pulse beats in her acidic and oozing human heart or the way her neural synapses are studded with diamonds that shatter into glimmering guitar chords. It came to us in dreams and inhabited us for so long, incubating, until it burst forth from our chests in a splattering mess of exoskeleton and toxic steam. This our dear alien child."